We do this by
  • Addressing hunger needs throughout Saline County
  • ​Homelessness prevention
  • ​Educating adults and you​th in ways that improve their future food security

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We want the people affected by our efforts to notice real improvements. 

We are a charitable organization committed to helping those in our community in need. We offer food and assistance with rent, utilities and medications. Our agency operates totally on donations of money and food from members of our community.

Preventing homelessness by helping with the emergency funds needed when disaster strikes or the family budget cannot cover rent, utilities or other expenses is one of our goals. Another goal is keeping families nourished with the food they need and teaching them how to stretch their food dollar by providing education.



Salina Emergency Aid/Food Bank (EAFB) began in 1971 as a project of several local churches. At the time, there was no central

community location for a needy family to seek help. It was a common practice when in need to “knock on the pastor’s door.” Churches stocked small food pantries and maintained funds to help with emergencies. Several churches decided to pursue the idea of having one location supported by their congregations. Pooling resources would enable more people in need to be served efficiently.

Stocking that community food bank produced a city-wide drive called “Pounding Sundays” in participating churches. Members were asked to bring non-perishable foods, in one pound quantities, to fill the shelves. That idea persists today as many Salina churches regularly donate food and money to EAFB operations.

For much of its life, EAFB operated in the basement of Memorial Hall, in space provided by the city of Salina. But as clientele and programs expanded, the agency outgrew the space. Under the leadership of the administrator, EAFB received funding to build its present quarters at 255 S. Chicago. Now 18 years old, the building houses offices, a teaching kitchen, a food pantry and a warehouse for food storage. A large garden on the premises supplies fresh vegetables for clients.

During 2018 an active group of volunteers assisted EAFB in the distribution of more than 408,000 food items. Over its 49-year history, the agency has become much more than just a food pantry. Help is available for homeless prevention by providing emergency funds for rent and utilities. As churches partnered in the early days, EAFB now partners with other community service agencies, networking to provide essential services for clients.

Throughout its 49 years, EAFB has always been a sign of hope to those experiencing financial difficulties and finding themselves in need. Our mission is to serve people in need with dignity and respect. 

  • Cal Smith
  • Mary Berkley
  • Dan Stack

Our History

  • Beth Morrison
  • McDowell Steele
  • Julia Ramos
  • Cheryl Campbell

Who We Are

About Us

By building on our past successes and establishing strategic priorities, we will have the foundation to become stronger and more efficient than ever.​
Our Vision is Realistic

Salina Emergency Aid/Food Bank engages our community to provide emergency needs for food, shelter, and well-being.

Our Mission is Simple

  • Mary Ann Lay
  • April Rickman
  • Jan Hamman
  • Karen Ebert, President      
  • Cindy Peck, Vice President
  • Kristin Blake, Treasurer
  • Ellen Mitchell, Secretary

785-827-7111 | 255 S Chicago | Salina

At Salina Emergency Aid / Food Bank, we are working to create hope and the opportunity for a better community. But we can only do it with your help. Join with us in our commitment and donate now.