785-827-7111 | 255 S Chicago | Salina
Emergency Assistance
Need pet food?
Contact Salina Animal Shelter for assistance – (785) 826-6535
The Food Bank offers a variety of cooking classes throughout the year. To learn more about our classes or to volunteer to help, contact our Life Skills Coordinator at (785) 827-7111.
We promote community gardening and youth education as a sustainable approach to food security. In partnership with North Salina Community Development, K-State Research and Extension, The City of Salina Community Gardens, Master Gardeners, Horticulture Club, and local volunteers, the FOOD BANK has renovated the Food Bank Garden to include new community garden plots and handicapped accessible raised beds. In the garden, neighbors have a space to connect, share resources, and promote food justice. In addition, the FOOD BANK will have garden materials and tools available for gardeners young and old. For more information about the Garden, please call our Life Skills Coordinator at (785) 827-7111.
We collect plastic and glass containers to use for the break-down of products like laundry soap and dish soap. Donations may be brought to the warehouse during normal operation hours. Please make sure that all containers are clean and have the correct lid.
We work with local grocery stores and farmers, as well as food manufacturers, to source donated food for distribution to people needing food assistance. Eligible clients receive a week’s worth of food (dairy products, fresh fruits and vegetables and non-perishable food items as available) free of charge, up to 3x a month. Clients are requested to return any item that they won't use so that it can be distributed to another client.
We strive to serve everyone in Saline County struggling with hunger. In order to reach all of the county, we need to work closely with partner agencies, including homeless shelters, soup kitchens, churches, senior and youth programs. Agencies get food directly from the FOOD BANK either by placing large scale orders, and/or by helping us distribute highly perishable items through outreach programs. Together, these partnerships are fighting to end hunger in Saline County. For more information about Agency Partnerships, please call us at (785) 827-7111.
Need food, but have trouble getting to the Food Bank? Call us about our Temporary Tote Outreach Program or using a proxy to assist with getting your food. If you are working with a case manager, we maybe able to make special arrangements outside of our normal distribution times.
Backpack Program
Food Bank Distribution
Assistance with prescriptions is available on a limited basis
and only by appointment.
Senior Food Boxes
Distribution Times:
Monday: 1:00pm & 5:00pm
Tuesday – Friday: 1:00pm
*Note: Distribution shutdown times will vary based on demand
Community Garden Project
A limited number of bus passes are available.
We provide food for children who are at risk for hunger over the weekend. Nearly half the students in Saline County qualify for free or reduce priced lunches. However, on Saturday and Sunday those meals are inaccessible which makes these kids even more vulnerable to hunger.
We work with school counselors and teachers throughout the county to identify students who are in great need of food over the weekend. Backpacks with child-friendly food including shelf stable milk, juice, a high protein meal, and three or four snacks are dropped off at schools for children to take home on Friday. If you want more information about the Backpack Program, please call our Life Skills Coordinator at (785) 827-7111.
The Power to Effect Change
We help adults over 60 years of age stay healthy and strong. The USDA Commodity Supplemental Food Program give seniors on a fixed income a monthly food box with shelf stable items, diary and produce. The food boxes are distributed through a drive-thru in the FOOD BANK parking lot.
Use the APPLICATION below to get started. For more information about the Senior Food Boxes, please call our Life Skills Coordinator at (785) 827-7111.
Our lobby is closed at all times. We now take food orders at the window during distribution times.
PLEASE have your photo I.D. and proof of residence in Saline County, Kansas everytime you visit.
If you have children under 18yrs of age in your household, you will also need to provide documentation that
they are living with you. Please take one token per household to place your order at the window.
Agency Partnerships
Life Skills Cooking Classes